Please click on the green link button below to open a new web page with the map and burial records of Mount Jerome Cemetery.
Use the search function in the top left hand corner to search our burial records. By clicking on the desired name, the location of the grave will be shown to you (for 40% of the graves). If using on a mobile phone you can use the location tool to direct you to the grave.
Please note that:
(a) There no dates of death in our burial records before 1892. For searches before 1892, you will NOT be able to use the “Death From” and “Death to” search options
(b) Around 40% of the graves are locatable on the above link with more to be added in the coming years.
(c) If you cannot find what you are looking for, wish to seek further genealogy information or to arrange for a grave search to be conducted to help you locate a grave then please email us with your enquiry at with as much relevant information as possible, especially if the family surname is a popular Irish one (i.e. Byrne, Murphy, O’Reilly, etc).
Our genealogy fees are set out below and are payable in advance:
Advance payment can be made by an internet banking transfer to the below bank account IBAN & BIC codes:
IBAN = IE54 AIBK 9311 6018 6670 40
Or alternatively you can physically call to our office to pay in advance by either using a debit/credit card or with cash. Please note that if you are calling into our office, the last grave search is conducted at 15.00 Monday – Friday and at 12.30 on Saturdays.
NB ! We do not take card payments over a phone call.